
Porta Pertusa di Vasi

Pertusa Door of Vases

"Porta Pertusa" is an etching by Giuseppe Vasi, part of his series Delle Magnificenze di Roma antica e moderna (1747-1761), which documents 18th-century Rome in detail. The etching depicts the...

Pertusa Door of Vases

"Porta Pertusa" is an etching by Giuseppe Vasi, part of his series Delle Magnificenze di Roma antica e moderna (1747-1761), which documents 18th-century Rome in detail. The etching depicts the...

Palazzo Barberini di Piranesi

Barberini Palace by Piranesi

Palazzo Barberini in Rome is an emblem of Baroque architecture, intertwining power and innovation. Designed by Carlo Maderno and completed by Borromini and Bernini, it stands out for its "H"...

Barberini Palace by Piranesi

Palazzo Barberini in Rome is an emblem of Baroque architecture, intertwining power and innovation. Designed by Carlo Maderno and completed by Borromini and Bernini, it stands out for its "H"...

Piazza San Marco verso la Basilica di Canaletto

St. Mark's Square towards Canaletto's Basilica

The painting Piazza San Marco verso la Basilica by Canaletto is an excellent example of Venetian vedutism, an artistic movement that, in the 18th century, favored the detailed and realistic...

St. Mark's Square towards Canaletto's Basilica

The painting Piazza San Marco verso la Basilica by Canaletto is an excellent example of Venetian vedutism, an artistic movement that, in the 18th century, favored the detailed and realistic...

Santa Cecilia di Artemisia Gentileschi

Saint Cecilia by Artemisia Gentileschi

The work and historical context The attribution of the painting Saint Cecilia to Artemisia Gentileschi is generally accepted by most scholars, although not without some reservations. Painted around 1620 ,...

Saint Cecilia by Artemisia Gentileschi

The work and historical context The attribution of the painting Saint Cecilia to Artemisia Gentileschi is generally accepted by most scholars, although not without some reservations. Painted around 1620 ,...

Il giardino del poeta di Van Gogh

Il giardino del poeta di Van Gogh

Nel dipinto Il giardino del poeta, realizzato durante il soggiorno ad Arles nel 1888, Van Gogh cattura la bellezza e il dinamismo della natura attraverso colori intensi e pennellate vivide....

Il giardino del poeta di Van Gogh

Nel dipinto Il giardino del poeta, realizzato durante il soggiorno ad Arles nel 1888, Van Gogh cattura la bellezza e il dinamismo della natura attraverso colori intensi e pennellate vivide....

Predica agli uccelli di Giotto

Giotto's Sermon to the Birds

Between 1290 and 1300, Giotto di Bondone revolutionized Western art with the Sermon to the Birds , part of the fresco cycle in the Upper Basilica of San Francesco in...

Giotto's Sermon to the Birds

Between 1290 and 1300, Giotto di Bondone revolutionized Western art with the Sermon to the Birds , part of the fresco cycle in the Upper Basilica of San Francesco in...