Mappe Romane Antiche

Ancient Roman Maps

Alessandro Trizio

Roman cartography is the art and science of graphically representing the geographical space of ancient Rome and its provinces. The Romans inherited the cartographic tradition of the Greeks, but adapted it to their practical needs of conquest, administration and trade. Roman maps had an essentially functional purpose and were not intended to be displayed as works of art or scholarship. The main sources of information for Roman cartography were the measurements of the territories carried out by land surveyors, the reports of travelers and soldiers, and the geographical and historical works of authors such as Strabo, Pliny the Elder and Ptolemy.

Exploring the Past: Fascinating Ancient Roman Maps

Ancient Roman maps represent an authentic window into the world of ancient Rome, offering a unique perspective on the geography, culture and achievements of this extraordinary civilization. In this article, we will explore the historical importance of these maps, their creation process, and how they were central to the administration of the Roman Empire.

The Creation of Roman Maps

Ancient Roman maps were made with extraordinary precision considering the era in which they were produced. Roman cartographers used tools such as the compass and solar gnomon to determine directions and distances. This allowed them to map in detail the regions controlled by the Roman Empire. Many of these cartographic documents were engraved on stone or bronze, ensuring their durability over the centuries.

Strategic Use of Maps

Ancient Roman maps played a crucial role in the administration of the Roman Empire. They were used to plan military campaigns, regulate trade, and manage resources. Each province of the Empire had its own detailed maps, allowing for better management and organization. Maps were also essential for maintaining roads, planning new trade routes, and building infrastructure.

The Recovery of Ancient Roman Maps

Over the centuries, numerous ancient Roman maps have been discovered in various parts of the world. These findings have been fascinating to archaeologists and historians, as they have allowed for deeper insight into Roman life and connections with other cultures. The maps bear witness to the expansion of the Roman Empire, the cultural influences and the trade routes that connected Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Cultural and Historical Heritage

Ancient Roman maps represent an invaluable cultural heritage. In addition to providing geographical data, they also show aspects of everyday life, such as the layout of cities, road routes and places of interest. These documents help us understand how ancient Rome influenced the history of humanity in many ways, from politics to architecture, from art to technology.

Ancient Roman maps are an extraordinary testimony to the ingenuity and expertise of the Romans in the field of cartography. Exploring these maps is a journey through time that allows us to rediscover the ancient world and appreciate their contribution to our understanding of history. With their historical, cultural and scientific value, ancient Roman maps deserve to be studied and preserved for future generations.

Roman maps can be divided into two large categories: cadastral maps and itinerary maps.

The cadastral maps were intended to record the division and ownership of land, both in Italy and in the provinces. They were written on perishable materials, such as leather, linen or papyrus, or on durable materials, such as bronze or marble. One of the most famous Roman cadastral maps is the Forma Urbis Romae, a marble plan of the city of Rome created between 203 and 211 AD, of which only fragments remain.

The itinerary maps were instead intended to facilitate travel along the roads and waterways of the empire. They were based on a schematic and linear representation of space, which indicated the main cities, distances, stopping points and available resources. One of the most famous Roman itinerary maps is the Tabula Peutingeriana, a medieval copy of an ancient map showing the entire world known to the Romans, from the Atlantic to India. The Tabula Peutingeriana is an example of a cylindrical map projection, in which latitudes are compressed and longitudes are distorted.

Roman cartography had a great influence on medieval and modern cartography, both for the transmission of some works, such as those of Ptolemy, and for the conservation of some toponyms and some geographical elements. Roman cartography therefore represents a precious testimony to the worldview and culture of one of the greatest civilizations in history.

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