Prodotti italiani realizzati a mano

Le mappa dell'impero romano

Una mappa dettagliata in alta definizione dell'Impero Romano alla massima espansione


Dettagli incredibili

Tutte le città sottomesse a Roma indicate in alta definizione


Tela pittorica finissima

Stampa su pregiata tela pittorica come fosse disegnata a mano


Cornici fatte a mano

Tutte le nostre cornici sono in legno di faggio, realizzate a mano


Dettagli incredibili

Mappe della città di Roma ricche di particolari e sfumature


Tela pittorica finissima

Stampa su pregiata tela pittorica come fosse disegnata a mano


Cornici fatte a mano

Tutte le nostre cornici sono in legno di faggio, realizzate a mano

Map: The Roman Empire at its peak
Map: The Roman Empire at its peak
Map: The Roman Empire at its peak
Map: The Roman Empire at its peak
Map: The Roman Empire at its peak
Map: The Roman Empire at its peak

Map: The Roman Empire at its peak

Roman Empire maximum expansion of Vallardi and Kiepert
Roman Empire maximum expansion of Vallardi and Kiepert
Roman Empire maximum expansion of Vallardi and Kiepert
Roman Empire maximum expansion of Vallardi and Kiepert
Roman Empire maximum expansion of Vallardi and Kiepert
Roman Empire maximum expansion of Vallardi and Kiepert

Roman Empire maximum expansion of Vallardi and Kiepert

Roman Empire under Emperor Augustus with subsequent provinces
Roman Empire under Emperor Augustus with subsequent provinces
Roman Empire under Emperor Augustus with subsequent provinces
Roman Empire under Emperor Augustus with subsequent provinces
Roman Empire under Emperor Augustus with subsequent provinces
Roman Empire under Emperor Augustus with subsequent provinces
Roman Empire under Emperor Augustus with subsequent provinces
Roman Empire under Emperor Augustus with subsequent provinces
Roman Empire under Emperor Augustus with subsequent provinces
Roman Empire under Emperor Augustus with subsequent provinces

Roman Empire under Emperor Augustus with subsequent provinces

Dura Europos reproduction original map from 230-235 AD
Dura Europos reproduction original map from 230-235 AD
Dura Europos reproduction original map from 230-235 AD
Dura Europos reproduction original map from 230-235 AD
Dura Europos reproduction original map from 230-235 AD
Dura Europos reproduction original map from 230-235 AD
Dura Europos reproduction original map from 230-235 AD
Dura Europos reproduction original map from 230-235 AD

Dura Europos reproduction original map from 230-235 AD

Antiquae Urbis Romae Imago Accuratiss Ex Vetustis Monumentis (1696)
Antiquae Urbis Romae Imago Accuratiss Ex Vetustis Monumentis (1696)
Antiquae Urbis Romae Imago Accuratiss Ex Vetustis Monumentis (1696)
Antiquae Urbis Romae Imago Accuratiss Ex Vetustis Monumentis (1696)
Antiquae Urbis Romae Imago Accuratiss Ex Vetustis Monumentis (1696)
Antiquae Urbis Romae Imago Accuratiss Ex Vetustis Monumentis (1696)

Antiquae Urbis Romae Imago Accuratiss Ex Vetustis Monumentis (1696)

The Roman Empire at the time of the Tetrarchy
The Roman Empire at the time of the Tetrarchy
The Roman Empire at the time of the Tetrarchy
The Roman Empire at the time of the Tetrarchy
The Roman Empire at the time of the Tetrarchy
The Roman Empire at the time of the Tetrarchy
The Roman Empire at the time of the Tetrarchy
The Roman Empire at the time of the Tetrarchy

The Roman Empire at the time of the Tetrarchy

The Roman Empire at its maximum expansion. Map with the provinces
The Roman Empire at its maximum expansion. Map with the provinces
The Roman Empire at its maximum expansion. Map with the provinces
The Roman Empire at its maximum expansion. Map with the provinces
The Roman Empire at its maximum expansion. Map with the provinces
The Roman Empire at its maximum expansion. Map with the provinces
The Roman Empire at its maximum expansion. Map with the provinces
The Roman Empire at its maximum expansion. Map with the provinces

The Roman Empire at its maximum expansion. Map with the provinces

Administro Vrbis Ichnographiam (1748)
Administro Vrbis Ichnographiam Stanza 2
Administro Vrbis Ichnographiam Stanza
Administro Vrbis Ichnographiam (1748)
Administro Vrbis Ichnographiam Stanza 2
Administro Vrbis Ichnographiam Stanza

Administro Vrbis Ichnographiam (1748)


Pregiate riproduzioni di mappe dell'antica Roma

Scopri le nostre mappe: l'antica città di Roma, l'impero romano ai tempi di Augusto, le Gallie conquistate da Giulio Cesare.

La grande storia rivive grazie alle nostre pregiate riproduzioni su finissima tela pittorica, che esalta i colori e dona un magnifico effetto "disegnato a mano".

Tutto il processo creativo avviene a Roma, supervisionato dai nostri maestri artigiani. Ogni pezzo è un omaggio alla gloria di Roma.

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